What is required to complete a job ad?
As you walk through the job ad process, red asterisks will indicate required fields. Just know that exactjobmatch urges all employers to complete as many fields as possible when posting their job ads for improved search rankings on Job Search.
How do I find my job ad as a candidate?
Candidates search on ExactJobMatch for job titles, skills, or keywords within a particular location. If your job ad is considered relevant to the search, it will be presented in the list of results. A lot of factors are considered when the system ranks job ads. Read our Elements of Performance article to learn how to optimize your job ad and improve your position in search results.
How do I remove my free and promoted jobs from the site?
If you change a job posting’s Status from Open to Closed, it will be removed from the site and any promotions associated with it will come to an end as well.
Can I edit open job AD?
Absolutely! When you log into your exactjobmatch Account, click on Jobs at the top of the page and find the job ad you want to edit. Click on the Actions menu right below the job title and choose Edit. This will take you back to the posting flow, where you can update the information of the open position Job Search
Can I save job ads for future use?
Of course! You wouldn’t want to reinvent the wheel every time you need to post the same job. The Jobs page, located in the top navigation, will bring you to a list of all the jobs you have created with ExactJobMatch.
To repost a closed job ad, simply change the Status from Closed to Open and it will reappear in search results. Feel free to edit the job through the Actions menu to make any adjustments. For more details on accessing the Jobs page and managing your job ads